New Book: ‘The Climate General’ Explores the Critical Link Between Climate Change and Global Security

Cross-posted from the Planetary Security Initiative

With the conclusion of COP28, renowned author and former Chief of Defence of the Dutch Armed Forces, General Tom Middendorp, is releasing a groundbreaking new book, The Climate General, shedding light on the profound connection between climate change and global security:

“COP28 focused more than ever on the role of fossil fuels in climate change, and we see just how complex and difficult the subject is for the international community to tackle. This is the first time in history that we need to replace one source of energy by another, instead of adding another source. It also took place against a backdrop of wars, which are extremely destructive in nature.

As a former service member I know what the price of war is. Where there is war, there is no room for climate mitigation and adaptation. This makes it imperative to work on both ends. Climate and conflicts are two sides of the same coin; we need security and stability to address climate change, while dealing with climate change can help reduce the conflict-sensitivity in fragile areas around the world.

So the pressing question, which is both simple and complex, is the following: How can the world cope with all these dangers simultaneously? How can we match the urgent with the important?”

In ‘The Climate General’, General Middendorp draws upon his extensive operational experience and deep knowledge of geopolitical dynamics to provide readers with a unique perspective on this complex issue. He demonstrates how climate-related conflicts, extremism, and migratory flows are interconnected in today’s world. Through captivating storytelling and meticulous research, he brings to light the challenges posed by climate change and presents a clear vision for a sustainable future. He advocates for a combination of mitigation and adaptation strategies, emphasizing the importance of technological advancements and collaboration in addressing climate security challenges.

“The Climate General provides invaluable insights and serves as a powerful catalyst for change,” said Audrey Carpentier, co-founder at Éditions La Butineuse. “General Middendorp not only brings attention to the urgency of the problem, but also presents practical solutions and strategies that have the potential to create a brighter future.”

“Today I lead a global network of security leaders from more than 40 countries, the IMCCS, supported by a consortium of research institutes. We all share a firm belief that climate change and security are closely related, as climate change leads to more insecurity and security is needed to address climate change. This requires us to join forces and tackle problems at the source in a more comprehensive way”, says Middendorp.

The Climate General is recommended for policymakers, academics, security specialists, and anyone concerned about the future of our global society and planet.